Private English Concessions of Arms
of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries


click here for Fifteenth Century English Grants of Arms


Grant of his Arms by Robert de Morle (in reversion on the death of Baldwine de Manoires) to Robert de Corby (6 January 1348/9)


A touz ceux que ceste letters verront ou orront, Roberte de Morle, Mariscall D�Irlande saluz en dieu. Saches moi avoir donne & grante a mon bon amee Robert de Corby & a ces heires les Armes que me sont descenduz par voie de Heritage apres le deces Monsieur Baldwine de Manoires, cestaseavoir d�Argent ove une Saltier engraile de Sable, avoir & emporter entirement les Armes judits au dit Robert de Corby & ses heires a tous jours, sans impeachment ou challenge de moi ou de mes heires apres ses heures. Et moy avant-dit Robert de Morley & mes heires au dit Robert de Corby & a ces heires les Armes avant-dites, en quand en nous est, envers touz homes a toutz joures garranterons. On tesmoignance de quell chose a cestes mes letters overtees iaimis mon seale, Donne au Chasteau de Risinge, le jour de la Tissanie, le sisme jour de Januare l�an du regne Edward tiers puis le Conq. d�Engleterre 22 & de france neosisme.


in Remains Concerning Britain by W. Camden, 1674, p. 286



Grant of his Arms by Sir Thomas Clanvowe to William Criketot (12 May 1410)


Sciant praesentes & future quod ego Thomas de Clanrowe chevalier, dedi concessi & hac praesenti carta mea Willielmo Criketot consanguineo meo, Arma mea & jus eadem gerendi quae mihi jure hereditario descendrunt [sic]: Habend. & tenend. Praedicta Arma mea & jus eadem gerendi praefato Willielmo haeredibus & assignatis suis, absque reclamatione mei vel haeredum meorum imperpetuum. Et ego praedictus Thomas & haeredes mei praedicti, Arma & jus eadem gerendi praefato Willielmo haeredibus & assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warrantizabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium praesenti cartae meae sigillum meum apposui. Dat. Apud Hergast, in festo Corporis Christi, Anno regni Henrici quarti post conquestum undecimo.


in Remains Concerning Britain by W. Camden, 1674, p. 288



Quitclaim of lands and Arms by Walter Haywode To John Fromond (12 March 1402/3)


To all faithful in Christ to whom the present writing shall come, Walter Haywode, of Stratfeld Say greeting in the Lord. Know ye that I have remitted, released & wholly of & for me and my heirs quitclaimed to John Fromond, his heirs and assigns for ever my whole state, right and claim, which I had, have or in any way in future may have of and in all and singular the lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services with their appurtenances, which the aforesaid John has and holds in fee by the gift and grant of me, the said Walter and Thomasine my wife, in Stratfeld Say and Bromle, in county Southampton and Redyng in county Berkshire, likewise and in the arms from the Conquest always borne by the tenants of the fee, lands and tenements of Haywode in Stratfeld Say aforesaid, to have, hold and bear all and singular the abovesaid lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services, with their appurtenances, together with the aforesaid arms, lands and tenements of Haywode belonging, to the aforesaid John Fromond his heirs & assigns well & in peace by right of heritage of and for me & my heirs quietly & absolutely for ever of the chief lords of those fees by the rents and services therefor due and of right accustomed. And I, the aforesaid Walter and my heirs will warrant, acquit & defend all and singular the aforesaid lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services with their appurtenances, together with the aforesaid arms of Haywode, to the aforesaid John Fromond, his heirs and assigns against all men in all future time. In witness whereof to this present writing, I, the aforesaid Walter have put my seal. Given on the morrow of St. Gregory the Pope, in the 4th year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth after the Conquest.

in Collection of Miscellaneous Grants, Harleian Society, 1925 (translated from Latin)


Confirmation of lands and Arms by Walter Haywode To John Fromond (12 March 1403/4)

To all those who shall see or hear these present letters, Walter Haywode, Esquire, of Stratfeld Say, greeting in God. Know ye that I have granted and by this charter confirm to John Fromond, Esquire, and to his heirs and to his assigns, all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, suits and services of Haywode in Stratfeldsay aforesaid, together with the appurtenances, by the name of the Manor of Haywode, together with the arms following, that is to say: The Chief azure three fleur de lys argent with a chevron ermine which arms belong to the lands & tenements aforesaid: and the which arms I have used and borne until now by reason of the right in the said lands and tenements aforesaid. And also know ye that I, the said Walter, have released & by these quitclaim for me, my heirs and assigns to the said John, his heirs and his assigns, all the right which I have in the lands and tenements, rents, reversions, suits and services of Haywode aforesaid, together with the appurtenances, which the said John has and holds in fee of my gift in the vills of Bromle and Redynge or elsewhere in the counties of Southampton and Berkshire: To have and to hold all the lands and tenements, rents, reversions, suits and services aforesaid, together with their appurtenances, by the name of the manor of Haywod aforesaid, together with the arms beforenamed, to the said John, his heirs and his assigns, so that I, the aforesaid Walter, my heirs and my assigns, can in the same have or claim no right, title or claim in times to come, but of all manner of actions in the same are closed & forbarred by the presents for ever. And I, the aforesaid Walter, and my heirs will warrant all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services and suits together with their appurtenances aforesaid, by the name of the manor of Haywode, together with all the arms aforesaid to the said John & his heirs & his assigns against all men for ever by these presents. In testimony whereof I, the aforesaid Walter to these have put my seal. Given on the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, in the fifth year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth since the conquest of England.

in Collection of Miscellaneous Grants, Harleian Society, 1925 (translated from French)


Grant of his Arms by Thomas Grendale (in reversion on the death of Johan Beaumeys) to Sir William Moigne (22 November 1391)

A tous ceux j�ceste presente lettre verront ou orrant, Thomas Grendale de Fenton, cosyn & heir a Johan Beaumeys iadys de Sautre Salutz en dieu.  Come les Armes d'ancestrye du dit Johan apres le iour de son moriant soient par loy & droit d'eritage a moy eschaietz, com a son proschein heir du son linage, Sachetz moy l'avant dit Thomas avoir donee & grantee par y cestes les entiers avant dites Armes one leur appurtenantz a William Moigne Chivaller, quelles Armes Cest assavior sont d'argent one une crois d'asure ove cinq garbes d'or en le crois, A avoir et tenir touz les avandites Armes one leur appurtenantz au dit Monsieur William a ces heires & assignes a tous iours.  En tesmoignance de quelle chose a cestez presetes lettres j'ay mis mon saelx.  Donn. a Sautre le vint seconde iour de Novembre l'an du regne le Roy Richard seconde, quinzisme.

in Remains Concerning Britain by W. Camden, 1674, p. 286



Grant of her Arms by Joanna Lee to Richard Peshal (1436)


Noverint universi pre presentes, me Joannam nuper uxorem Willielmi Lee de Knightley, dominam et rectam haeredem de Knightly, dedisse concessisse & hac praesenti carta mea confirmasse Ricardo Peshale filio Humfridi Peshale scutum Armorum meorum; Habend. & tenend. ac portand. & utenda ubicunque voluerit sibi & haered. suis imperpetuum: Ita quod non ego, nec aliquis alius nominee meo, aliquid jus vel clamium seu calumpniam in praedicto scuto habere potuerimus, sed per praesentes sumus exclusi imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium Sigillum meum apposui, Dat apud Knightly die Mercurii, prox. post festum Paschae, Anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum quarto decimo.


in Remains Concerning Britain by W. Camden, 1674, p. 287



Grant of his Arms by John de Wellesburgh to Thomas Purefoy (27 December 1397)


A toutes ceux a queus ceste lettres verront au ourront, Jehan de Whellesburgh faluz en Dieu. Saches que come Thomas Purefey eit le reversion des manors de Whellesburgh & Fenny Drayton en le counte de Leicester ove les appurtenances, moi le dit Jehan aver done & grant per y ceste a dit Thomas Purefey & ses heires en mesme manor mes armes ove les appurtenances cy entirement come moy ou mes auncestours aronus use et port, A aver & tener les armes ove les appurtenances subditz a dit Thomas Purefey ses heires et assignes come de suis est dit a toutes jours, sans empechement de moye, mes heires, au ascun auter pur nous, & ieo oblige moi & mes heyres a garranter les ditz armes oves les appurtenances a dit Thomas Purfey ses heires & assignes a tout jours. En teste moignaunce de queulx choses a ses lettres ieo a ye mise mon seale d�armes subditz. Ceste Testmoignes Monsieur Jehan de Clinton, Monsieur William de Esteley Chivaliers, Ankatine de Houby, Johan Wicharden aulees. Done a Fenne Drayton subditz en le feast de St Jake le Apostle en le reigne le Roy Richard le second puis le conquest le vintisme premier.


Harl. MS. 5812, fo. 2b; Add. MS. 6297, fo. 437.